
I have used cases studies extrapolated from my professional experience to build this Strategic Account Management training, together with the learnings from trainings that I have myself attended.

To go further, the reader will find here below some bibliography references reporting to the topic, or which bring a particular interest for its approach, as well as the internet link to the international Strategic Account Management Association SAMA in USA.

                                                                                                          Christian Lacoste                            

Customer Intimacy, Fred Wieserman

Getting to yes, negotiating an agreement without giving in, Roger Fisher, William Ury and Bruce Patton

La PNL appliquée à la négociation, Chantal Selva

Leader effectiveness training, Dr. Thomas Gordon

Transactional analysis, Eric Berne

Blue ocean strategy, W. Chan Kim et Renée Mauborgne

Les alliances stratégiques, Anis Bouayad

The trillion dollar enterprise, how the alliance revolution will transform global business, Cyrus Freidheim

Walking the talk, business case for sustainable development, Charles O. Holliday Jr., Stephan Schmidheiny et Philip Watts

La négociation commerciale en pratique, Patrick David

Motiver aujourd’hui, c’est possible, Nathalie Esnault, Olivier Carré et Jean- Louis Muller

Réussir avec les Asiatiques, Bruno Marion


SAMA association :